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In the Year 2889 eBook Jules Verne Michel Verne

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This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the edition includes wireless delivery.

In the Year 2889 eBook Jules Verne Michel Verne

Long assumed to be the work, not of Jules Verne, but his son, Michel. Regardless, it's entertaining and sometimes eerie, as it has foreshadowed many inventions and advancements that are enjoyed and relied upon today. I always enjoyed diving head first into Verne's futuristic outlook and storytelling---the world that he draws us into is fascinating to say the least. In 2889, we follow a media mogul, Fritz Napoleon Smith. The story opens with the narrative that people love in a suspended fairyland on a continual basis---gee, sounds just like the world of 2017. While railroads have been replaced with pneumatic tubes (happening today), we are still waiting for the flying cars. The "Etheric Particles" are what powers the world of 2889, as do the accumulators which "absorb and condense the sun's rays" powering the earth along with energy harnessed from waterfalls and wind. Yes folks, green energy as it exists today. Much like mentioned in H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds, the lifespan of man has been increased to early 50s, as a result of better hygiene and less micro organisms. Video phones exists in the year 2889 (as they do today) and a form of news altering which filters desired news stories for its readership (yeah---hello!) The story ends with the unfortunate demise of a scientist who fails at attempts to experiment with suspended animation. There's not much narrative to this story; the vision of the future is the main plot, which reflects in my review. It's an enjoyable read but no where close to Verne's classics such as Five Weeks in a Balloon, The Mysterious Island and of course Twenty Thousand Leagues. You might want to give it a read just the same.

Product details

  • File Size 62 KB
  • Print Length 36 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1500819271
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date May 12, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0082YX5QM

Read  In the Year 2889 eBook Jules Verne Michel Verne

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In the Year 2889 eBook Jules Verne Michel Verne Reviews

This very short story reminds me of stories that were posted in my father’s old Colliers magazines. Where they spoke about the future and miles long telescopes. A little tedious at times.
Quick little read. I liked it but does seem to be a quick sketch of a more grand story.

A lot of the hunches and developments that are part of daily life are already here with the internet. With exception of France being a world power I can easily see China and Russia as global leaders even 500 years from now. Totally worth the 20 minutes if you love sci fi or general speculative fiction.
It is fun to read about how a man in 1889 thought the world would be a thousand years in the future. Little did he know that we already are far ahead of what he predicted, at least in some aspects. It appears he did not predict the "women's liberation", for instance. I do hope we will never have continual commercials projected in the clouds!
I did like the "semi-steampunkness" of it, but I would enjoy it more if it was a full novel where the reader would get to know the main character better, and do something more than just "follow him around" for one day.
The science of 1889 and the hardware at that time are shown to the logical extension for the thinking of that time. Over the years of Verne, many familiar concepts are touched upon. Since this is 2 thousand years hence, it is interesting what they thought what might be possible and how to do it. Sometimes, it makes you smile.
There are claims that while M. Verne wrote the outline for this story (and it is a story, not a novel), his son finished it. I tend to believe this. Yes, I can sense M. Jules Verne's hand in the structure of the story, but the story itself doesn't present itself the way other stories present themselves.
Jules Verne is actually rather poorly represented in English-language stories; many of his shorter works have either not been translated or have been poorly translated. Not every work was Five weeks across Africa by balloon or 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Some were not really translatable since they dealt with French sensibilities and viewpoints.
Not having the chance to read this story in the original French, I cannot give this story more than an "Adequate". The allegation that his son finished the story after his father's death is possible, based on the style of the writing; but then that could also be due to a less than clever translator. It's a good ten minute read. If you want Verne's real views of the future though, try his 20th Century book. No questions there he wrote it.
Rating 3.0/5.0

A short novella that should be appreciated for its future predictions! This was published in 1889 and talks about the world in 2889, means it was predicting what will happen 1000 years from that time. Some of those predictions we have them today under different names like the internet or social networks. One of the predictions is the space invasion which is interesting and also the shape of politics in future.
This could have been a much interesting read if it was more elaborated and a full novel instead of a very short story.
Written in 1889 this story imagines a day in the life of a newspaper owner in 2889. He envisions a version of Skype, and a DVR, and with humor and wit tells his tale with remarks like "The discovery of nutritive air is still in the future,". Sadly, as of 2017 he is correct, but what a concept!

The language, and writing style of the late 1800s is at odds with the futuristic setting and dreaming / concepts, yet it reinforces the simple reality that this was written before the invention of television and modern computer science, at a time when chapters of stories appeared in newspapers as weekly installments (Mark Twain was published that way) before being published as books.

It's as interesting to see what grand inventions and changes the author in visions, as to note what he suspects will weather the centuries unchanged.
Long assumed to be the work, not of Jules Verne, but his son, Michel. Regardless, it's entertaining and sometimes eerie, as it has foreshadowed many inventions and advancements that are enjoyed and relied upon today. I always enjoyed diving head first into Verne's futuristic outlook and storytelling---the world that he draws us into is fascinating to say the least. In 2889, we follow a media mogul, Fritz Napoleon Smith. The story opens with the narrative that people love in a suspended fairyland on a continual basis---gee, sounds just like the world of 2017. While railroads have been replaced with pneumatic tubes (happening today), we are still waiting for the flying cars. The "Etheric Particles" are what powers the world of 2889, as do the accumulators which "absorb and condense the sun's rays" powering the earth along with energy harnessed from waterfalls and wind. Yes folks, green energy as it exists today. Much like mentioned in H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds, the lifespan of man has been increased to early 50s, as a result of better hygiene and less micro organisms. Video phones exists in the year 2889 (as they do today) and a form of news altering which filters desired news stories for its readership (yeah---hello!) The story ends with the unfortunate demise of a scientist who fails at attempts to experiment with suspended animation. There's not much narrative to this story; the vision of the future is the main plot, which reflects in my review. It's an enjoyable read but no where close to Verne's classics such as Five Weeks in a Balloon, The Mysterious Island and of course Twenty Thousand Leagues. You might want to give it a read just the same.
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